(*simple monad*) module type MONAD = sig (* Type for state.It's Covariant*) type +'a t (* lift up normal value to monaded value.*) val return : 'a -> 'a t (* bind is the function to apply function that take normal value and return monaded value to monaded value*) val bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t end (*extended monad.*) module type EMONAD = sig include MONAD (* let (>>=) = bind *) val (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t (*lift up function to monad. let lift f t = bind t (fun x -> return @@ f x) *) val lift : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t end (*for STATE_MONAD*) module type STATE = sig type t end module type STATE_MONAD = functor(State : STATE) -> sig include EMONAD (* receive monad and initial state*) val run : 'a t -> State.t -> ('a * State.t) (* set state to arg*) val put : State.t -> unit t (* get state.*) val get : State.t t end module StateMonad : STATE_MONAD = functor(State : STATE) -> struct type state = State.t (* monad type*) type 'a t = state -> ('a * state) (* make pair of value and state*) let return a = fun s -> (a,s) (* return state -> ('a * state) at first,apply m(1st arg) to s , apply f to returned value*) let bind m f = (* get new state and value ,*) fun s -> match m s with | (x,s') -> f x s' let (>>=) = bind let lift f t = bind t (fun x -> return @@ f x) let run m a = m a let put s = fun _ -> ((),s) let get = fun s -> (s,s) end (* sample usage *) module IntStateMonad = StateMonad( struct type t = int end ) type 'a cons_list = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a cons_list let cons a lst = IntStateMonad.(get >>= fun i -> put (succ i) >>= (fun x -> return (Cons (a ,lst)))) (* it is equal to cons*) (* let cons0 a lst = *) (* IntStateMonad.(bind (bind get (fun x -> put @@ succ x)) (fun x -> return (Cons (a,lst)))) *) (* (\* リストに一個追加したら、カウンターが1になる *\) *) (* assert (Cons ("a", Nils), 1) = *) (* (IntStateMonad.(run (cons "a" Nils >>= fun s -> return s) 0)) *) (* (\* リストに2個追加したら、カウンターが2になる *\) *) (* assert (Cons ("b", Cons ("a", Nil)), 2) = *) (* (IntStateMonad.(run (cons "a" Nil >>= cons "b" >>= fun s -> return s) 0)) *)